Currently Fillings Brks

Below are the currently filling Group Brks. We break on Wednesday and Friday nights currently. Live around 7 central.

Group Brk Key

  • PYT - Pick Your Team - Each team is priced separately. You get to pick whichever team you want in the brk.

  • RT - Random Team - Each person buys into the brk for the same amount and gets one team per spot. Once brk is full we then random the names and the teams on We will roll two dice on the website and each list will be randomized that many times (No Snake Eyes). We will then match the names up with the teams and whichever team is next to your name is the team you get.

  • SN - Serial Number - This type of brk only has 10 spots in it. Once brk is full we then random the names and the numbers 0 through 9 on We will roll two dice on the website and each list will be randomized that many times (No Snake Eyes). We then match up the name and number list and whatever the number is next to your name is the serial number you get. We always go off the last digit of the left serial number i.e. 37/50 would go to spot 7 and 145/199 would go to 5. If there is a redemption it always goes to the zero spot because we do not know what the serial number is. The only time they would not go to the zero spot would be if it is a know 1of1 then it would go to the 1 spot.

  • All brks and fillers run on my Instagram page via Instagram live (Link Above)

Currently Filling Breaks